Co-existing With Coyotes

Get the details on our neighboring wildlife

Eastern CoyoteDid you know Eastern Coyotes are known to live in parts of your Geauga Park District? Join staff who study these often-misunderstood animals to learn the facts about their behavior.

Co-existing with Coyotes will be presented on Saturday, October 27, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the The West Woods Nature Center in Russell Township.

Topics to be covered by Park Biologist Paul Pira and Naturalist Dottie Mathiott include identification of coyotes, how coyotes got to this area, where they live, what they eat, their ecological role, and what to do if you see a coyote.

To help these lessons stick, the hosts will also introduce howling/vocalization recordings, a hands-on pelt, and a mount.

This program is free to attend and fully wheelchair/stroller accessible. Call 440-286-9516 with questions.

Eastern coyotes are normally passive. However, coyotes may act alone or in a small family group to defend their territory. This behavior is normal but may be more intense from January through June due to mating, denning, and pup weaning. The presence of dogs may trigger coyotes to display forms of aggression consisting of yips, howls, and growls. Coyotes may follow behind dog-walkers for a distance. Please report coyote interaction to the Park District’s Ranger and Natural Resource Management departments at 440-286-9516.

If you encounter a coyote, calmly control your pet and leave the area the way you entered. If you are walking a dog, shorten the leash; keep the dog close and as quiet as possible. Pick up and carry small dogs. If a coyote does approach, walk backwards slowly and try to discourage it by shouting in a deep voice, waving your arms, throwing objects and looking the coyote directly in the eyes. If wearing a coat or vest, spread it like a cape to appear larger. Carrying a whistle can frighten a coyote and alert others.

Geauga Park District is online, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


Geauga News
Author: Geauga News