Amazing Opportunities Abound!

Geauga County’s Spring Drive-it-Yourself Tour

How many times have you driven the same route and passed a restaurant or gift shop that looks unique but you just have never had the time or occasion to stop? Need a little incentive? How about a free dessert? 20% off your purchase? A free gift for shopping? Another offer for a return trip? Then Geauga County Tourism has an amazing opportunity for you!

Guest from previous Tour explores Amish Home Craft & Bakery
Guest from previous Tour explores Amish Home Craft & Bakery

On Saturday, May 11, Geauga County Tourism’s Annual Spring Drive-it-Yourself Tour will offer 25 possible locations to explore. You choose ten stops that appeal to you and get your map stamped at each location. When you are done, join the finale at Middlefield Market and compare notes with fellow travelers. Doors open at 3 p.m. and there will be music by the Northern Comfort Band, free snacks (hot dogs available to purchase), a silent auction with items donated by each stop on the tour, and local vendors with information and products from their stores. If you have at least 10 stamps on your map, you are eligible for the Grand Prize Baskets full of wonderful Geauga County products! Drawings will begin promptly at 4 p.m. – you MUST be present to win.

This year’s tour features a “Feeding Geauga County’s Economy” theme to remind everyone the importance of shopping and buying local. “It’s also a perfect fit to recognize this year’s Presenting Sponsor, Geauga Feed & Grain Supply. By supporting our local businesses, we are keeping our money circulating in our county and employing our local residents,” says Lynda Nemeth, Geauga County Tourism Director.

Participants can get a list of all of the stops, their activities, and a map by calling the Geauga County Tourism Office 440-632-1538 or 800-775-TOUR, online or at any of the participating member locations.

Geauga News
Author: Geauga News