Chagrin Falls Students Visit Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

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Students in the clinical skills lab working on a patient asthma simulation

Students in Lisa Salyers’ anatomy and physiology class at Chagrin Falls High School recently visited Ohio University’s Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine’s Cleveland campus.

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Students getting a lesson on Airway anatomy with Dr. James O’Reilly

They had a lesson with the anatomy instructor, made a diagnosis in the simulation lab, and even met with a panel of medical students, two of which were Chagrin Falls High School alumni.  “Taking my students to the OU Heritage College of Medicine allowed them to see a fantastic opportunity here in Cleveland, while exposing them to a career in medicine,” said Salyers.

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With two former CFHS alum. Cat Cashy and Carley Tanchon Cost who were on the student panel. Both are first year med students at OUHCOM
Geauga News
Author: Geauga News