CHS Junior Wins VFW Post 9678 “Voice of Democracy” Essay Contest

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Kudos to Cardinal High School junior Julia M. who won the VFW Post 9678 Voice of Democracy Essay Contest!

The VFW established the Voice of Democracy program in 1947 to provide students in grades 9-12 an opportunity to express their opinions in regards to democratic ideas and principles. Students enter the contest at the local levels. This year’s topic was “Improving America.”

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Mr. Gardner and Mr. Anderson of VFW Post 9678, present a check to Cardinal High School Junior, Julia M. Julia won the Post’s Voice of Democracy essay contest with her piece on Improving America.

Julia says her essay focused on bringing jobs back to the United States as a way to improve the country. Along with the first place finish, Julia’s essay earned her a $1,000 scholarship from the VFW.

Representatives from the Post, Mr. Gardner and Mr. Anderson, presented a check to Julia at school Tuesday, March 29. Julia says she is still undecided on where she will attend college, but says she will save this money and use it towards post-secondary expenses. Congratulations Julia!

Geauga News
Author: Geauga News