Who among us has not found great treasure in the many parks and natural areas of Geauga County? With the challenges of 2020, the one agreed-upon safe activity is to spend time in the parks. Folks are getting outside this year for fitness walks and runs, business meetings, fresh air family gatherings, and “classrooms.”

Raising awareness and raising funds to protect the unique natural features of Geauga County is at the core of the Foundation for Geauga Parks’ mission. Because the Foundation cancelled its Twilight Soiree, the annual August fundraiser, the Board of Trustees has moved its beloved silent auction online as a virtual auction, just in time for Holiday shopping.

Going live December 1 (Giving Tuesday) and running for six days, the FGP will host its first-ever “Treasure Our Parks” Virtual Silent Auction. Items may be previewed now, and new items will be added daily leading to the auction opening. Find the secure auction link at

The FGP silent auction features nature experiences and other items not typically found in other fundraisers: a naturalist-led kayak float, private sky-viewing at Nassau Astronomical Station, “Millennium Farmer for a Day” experience, nature art, chef offerings, the “Best of Geauga” basket, and much more.

The Foundation is grateful to the following donors to the Silent Auction: Arborwear, Bella’s Biscuits, Dan Best, Linda Brown, Charles Dakota Photography, Deru Landscape Architects, Rich Bradshaw, Geauga Park District, Geauga Soil & Water Conservation District, Hungry Bee Catering, Kevin O’Reilly Family, Salo Maple Products, Spice Catering, Jim Trombo Photography, Western Reserve Land Conservancy, and many more.

All proceeds support the FGP mission to fund community engagement with nature through education, preservation, conservation and appreciation of the unique natural character of Geauga County

The Foundation for Geauga Parks (FGP) is the only philanthropic nonprofit organization in Geauga County dedicated solely to raising money for any and all parks in Geauga, be they county, township, or community parks. 

Large signature fundraising successes are The West Woods preservation and Nature Center campaigns, the Observatory Park campaign, and full support of the Nature Scopes binocular program for fifth grade students. Current projects include launching a Pollinator Garden Pilot Program, providing mobile nature education kits to be used in Geauga schools, and underwriting habitat improvements in Frohring Meadows and Observatory Park.

The Foundation is grateful to all its Annual Business Partners:

Auxin Group Wealth Management
Kinetico Incorporated
John W. Rosenthal Capital Management
Linda L. Brown, PhD LLC
Patterson Fruit Farm
Sheoga Hardwood Flooring & Paneling 
University Hospitals Geauga Medical Center

The Foundation for Geauga Parks an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit that raises funds to support all parks in Geauga County. Established in 1990, the Foundation’s work and mission have been greatly responsible for some of Geauga County’s transformational success stories in land conservation and nature education. Cont

Geauga News
Author: Geauga News