Holiday Volunteer Opportunities

Geauga News wants to connect organizations with readers!

  Is YOUR ORGANIZATION looking for volunteers over the holidays?

Are YOU looking for volunteer opportunities over the holidays?

Geauga News is here to help! We want to provide our readers with a means to connect with Geauga County organizations who are in need of holiday helpers.


In the form provided below, please leave your information:

Fill out my online form.

After reviewing your information to ensure it is consistent with our mission statement, we will post it HERE. We will contact you if we have any questions. Volunteers will then contact you directly.


All you need to do is click HERE to find available opportunities within the county! The list will continue to grow as we receive information, so please check back often! We will post as quickly as possible. Make sure to tell any organizations you know of who need volunteers to send in their information to us. We would love to see a nice long list of opportunities for volunteers to choose from and Geauga County brimming with the spirit of giving this Christmas season!

 Make sure to spread the word! 

Holiday Volunteer Opportunities

Geauga News
Author: Geauga News