Kenston Schools News

Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting

Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded the Certificate of Achievement to the Kenston Local School District for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021. The CAFR has been judged by an impartial panel to meet the high standards of the program, which includes demonstrating a constructive “spirit of full disclosure” to communicate its financial story.


The 2021 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is available under Finance on the District website


The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting.

Market Research 

Macy Bailey, Kaylee Conway and Emily Frankfort are surveying classmates in Dr. Theresa Petrick’s third grade class as part of project to determine the best product to sell.  Through their market research and data collection they will make adjustments to their idea and produce their product to “sell” to their peers.

Speech and Debate Update

Kenston’s Speech and Debate Team had an outstanding performance at the Olmsted Falls tournament.  From the high school team, Eden Truax placed fifth in Declamation and Olivia White placed fifth in Dramatic Interpretation.  Garrett Boyette and Daniel Wilson earned their first varsity debate victory in their round against Mentor.  Doing an outstanding job in their first tournament of the season were Nate McIntosh and Nathan Rolf in Congressional Debate, Elena Perrine in Dramatic Interpretation and Connie Ragsdale in Informative Speaking.  


From the middle school team, Kate Tobin was crowned the tournament champion in Interpretation.  In Oratory, Zoe LeFeber placed second, and Maren Hill placed fifth.  Kenston had four of the top ten debaters in Extemporaneous Debate, with Grace Voudris placing second and going undefeated for the second tournament in a row, while Emma Chelbezan placed fifth, Charlie McBride placed sixth, and William Thompson placed tenth, with each of them winning three of their four debates.  Jilly Ragsdale and Will Turner placed third in Public Forum Debate, also winning three of their four debates. Ben Yamsek placed fourth in Congressional Debate.  Doing a great job while competing in their first tournaments ever were Alden Peterson, Marshall Rankin, Gavin Rechtiene, William Szarka and Margaret Zallar.


Geauga News
Author: Geauga News