Kenston Schools News

Incoming Kindergarten Parent Meeting

Information Night for incoming Kindergarten parents will be held on Monday, January 31, at 7pm for children entering Kindergarten this August. Children must be five (5) years old on or before September 30, 2022.  Information about Kindergarten and the registration process will be shared virtually.  Please visit on January 31 to access the presentation.


Thank you Kenston Board of Education

Thank you to Kenston Board members for the countless hours and immeasurable energy that they spend to assure that our schools are providing the best education possible for the children of our community.   We appreciate and applaud them for their vision, voice and advocacy for our students.


At the organizational meeting of the Board of Education, Neysa Gaskins, J.D. was elected President. Mrs. Jennifer Troutman, J.D. was elected Vice President for 2022.  Board members are Mr. Dennis Bergansky, Dr. Beth Krause and Mr. Tom Manning. 


Board of Education Regular meetings are generally held the third Monday of the month in the Kenston High School, Auburn-Bainbridge room.  The meetings begin at 7 p.m.  The Board also added Work Sessions to their calendar on the first Monday of most months


If you would like to find out more about the Kenston Board of Education visit them on the district’s website at under Board of Education.  There you will find meeting dates, agenda and minutes.


KMS presents High School Musical, Jr.

Kenston Middle School will be presenting Disney’s High School Musical, Jr. on Friday, January 28 at 7pm and Saturday, January 29 at 1pm and 4pm at the Kenston High School, Robert A. Lee Auditorium.


If you have missed the plot of Disney’s High School Musical, Jr. here it is.  The play centers around the blossoming relationship between Troy, a high school jock, and Gabriella, the new smart girl at school. They meet on Ca family vacation and become attracted to each other while singing in a karaoke competition. Rediscovering each other at school, their relationship and their surprise decision to audition together for the school show are thwarted by the school’s current leading lady, Sharpay, and Troy and Gabriella’s well-meaning friends. Finally, Gabriella and Troy find a way to be themselves and are rewarded with the lead roles in the school show. Full of catchy songs and exciting dance routines, this musical explores issues of friendship, first love, and acceptance.


The cast and crew is comprised of: Matthew Albano, Brooklyn Alexander, Chase Altmann, Jamie Ashby, Maylin Bryan, Marin Carlson, Brooke Carlson, Larkin Carroll, Rachael Clark, Kate Covarrubias, Cora Dunnam, Grace England, Arthur English, Abby Evans, Hannah Fladger, Emily Grubich, Tommy Hart, Tommy Hunt, Jackie Jerina, Brynn Johnson, Anthony Jordon, Wilson Kentner, Eve Lucarelli, Sofia Macias, Sasha Marra, Lily Matsko, Charlie McBride, Lana Mills, Sophia Norris, Charlie O’Brien, Sebastien Peiffer, Moraya Piunno, Zach Radefeld, Will Radefeld, Iva Samidan, Ali Schmidt, Becca Shafer, Josie Stever, Henry Stice, Eniyah Strong, Kherington Swader, Charlotte Syslo, Molly Thomas, Payton Timmons, Kate Tobin, Arielle Tobler, Maya Tobler, Will Turner, Daphne Uhlir, Grace Voudris, Emily Williams, Corrine Wilson, Brenna Zak and Jack Zaranec.


Geauga News
Author: Geauga News