The Great Geauga County Fair is an annual event that thousands of people look forward to each year, many of whom are exhibitors themselves and have gone through extensive preparation to be ready. It’s one of the reasons why our fair is so popular – the quality of exhibits is hard to surpass! It’s a reflection of the high quality of people we have in the county. It’s a marker on our calendars, and it’s a reminder of many other seasonal and personal changes just around the corner. Fall, back-to-school, and sadly (or maybe not-so-sadly), the end of summer.
It’s also a time when many homeowners are taking their annual inventory and preparing their homes for the inevitable – old man winter in Geauga County! Have you added your septic tank to that checklist?
The Tim Frank Septic Tank Cleaning Co. is owned by some of those high quality people I mentioned. They been providing residential and commercial services in parts of Geauga, Lake, Trumbull and Ashtabula Counties for 47 years, ever since 1966. They are the recipients of numerous awards such as the United States EPA Special National Award for Outstanding Gathering, and Processing and Utilization Services and National Support of Environmental Sound Compliant Practices.They also were the winners of the 2012 Angie’s List Super Service Award.
They do far more than just tank cleaning. Other important services they provide include sewer and drain cleaning as well as basement and footer drain cleaning. They provide septic repairs of all types: inlet or outlet tee or baffle replacement, distribution box replacement or large repairs which include septic system renovations. Have a septic system with a pump? They replace those too. Getting ready to sell your home and need to have the septic system inspected? They can help you prepare your system for the Geauga County Health Department’s inspection. They sell lids, risers, bacteria, and even chlorine and dechlorination tablets for aeration systems. They are your full service septic specialists!
If it’s been more than three years since you last had your septic tank or tanks pumped, it’s time to call Tim Frank Septic Tank Cleaning! They will have a beautiful booth set up at the fair. You can stop by and chat with them and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have. In fact, they can even schedule an appointment right there!
We know you won’t miss the Great Geauga County Fair. That’s unheard of! But don’t miss the Tim Frank booth just south of the horse shoe pit either. They will have fair specials, including a year’s supply of their beneficial Pro-Pump Bacteria for only $25. Plus – they’re really nice people that will surely add some fun to your day at the fair! Be sure to stop by!
Call 440-636-5111 or 800-319-2847to schedule your appointment!
Monday thru Friday – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday – 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.