Students Recognized and Upcoming Events in the Chardon School District

Live Auction

The Chardon Schools Foundation (CSF) announces its annual Live Television/Internet Auction will be held, Saturday, March 2, airing on Geauga-TV from 5:00-10:00 p.m.

“The CSF Auction provides most of the funding used to support grant requests from Chardon School District teachers each year.” explains David Jevnikar, CSF President. “Once again this year, generous local retailers, restaurants, arts & cultural organizations, area sports teams, and other businesses are donating amazing packages for everyone to bid on.“

Pre-Auction bidding is available on the CSF website beginning on February 28. The live television/internet auction begins on Saturday, March 2, at 5:00 p.m. on G-TV. Last year, bidding was fast, competitive, and fun! G-TV can be found on Channels 20 and 22. The Auction is a successful community event involving students, parents, supportive community members and businesses. CSF, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, consistently funds over $15,000 in grants each year to benefit district educational programs and teachers serving students ranging from elementary through high school.

“The CSF Live Television/Internet Auction is a great event and you don’t have to leave home to enjoy it!” said Jevnikar.

Established in 1989, CSF believes that excellent schools are essential to the economic and social well being of the community it serves. CSF financially supports educational projects and initiatives that will add excitement and imagination to the learning process. CSF exists through the support of local donors. Your generous gifts keep CSF’s funding vibrant and responsive to the needs of the school district. Not sure the CSF Auction is for you? You can send a contribution to P.O. Box 838, Chardon, Ohio, 44024. Or make a donation online at the CSF website. For more information on the Chardon Schools Foundation, to make a donation, receive a grant application or assistance in seeking a grant, please visit the website. For more information contact: Dave Jevnikar, CSF President (440) 487-8653 .

CHS Academic Decathlon Team News

Congratulations to the CHS Academic Decathlon team who took the 2nd place trophy at the regional competition in Youngstown on Saturday, February 2nd. In addition, Chardon team members won 37 individual medals. Of special note are Rory Hougan and Harold Norsic who won gold medals for overall in their divisions (highest scores in all 10 disciplines combined) and Ryan Gillispie who won bronze overall. The team moves on to state competition  March 8th.

Chardon Academic Decathlon
(front row from left), Katie Goodge, Erin Grantham, Hannah Bena, Lexi Barlow, Melanie O’Neill, Deanne Nockowski, Sarah Savel, Gwen Norsic , Eryn Olson, Jessica Fowle, Peyton Tatonetti; and (back row from left) Harold Norsic, Ryan Gillispie, Luke Horwatt, Rory Hougan, and team advisor Allen Herner.

CMS Spelling Bee Winner

Chardon Middle School also recently hosted its annual Spelling Bee with roughly 40 students participating. We are proud to announce that eighth grader Nick Yeric (right) was champ. Eighth grader Giavonni Todd was runner-up. As winner, Nick advances to the Geauga County Spelling Bee. Best of luck, Nick!

Eighth grader Nick Yeric (right) was champ. Eighth grader Giavonni Todd was runner-up
Eighth grader Nick Yeric (right) was champ. Eighth grader Giavonni Todd was runner-up

CMS Hosts Power of the Pen Tournament

On Saturday, February 2, Chardon Middle School hosted the Power of the Pen District Tournament with eighteen area schools bringing their most talented writers. Power of the Pen is Ohio’s award-winning educational enhancement program devoted to excellence in creative writing. Because the ideas, dreams, and beliefs of today’s youth form the foundation of tomorrow’s communities in Ohio, Power of the Pen is dedicated to helping young people find and develop a creative voice that is uniquely their own.

Congrats to Chardon Middle School’s 8th grade team who took third place at the tournament. Individual awards went to Gwen Mack, who took first place for 8th grade with three best of rounds out of 102 writers, and Ali Nowac who took 12th place for 8th grade.

Power of the Pen winner Gwen Mack accepts her trophy from CMS principal Kelly Murphy
Power of the Pen winner Gwen Mack accepts her trophy from CMS principal Kelly Murphy
Geauga News
Author: Geauga News