2016 Junior Career Readiness Day

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On Tuesday, Jan. 12, the Berkshire junior class participated in a career readiness day sponsored by the Geauga Growth Partnership.  The event was held at the Kent State Geauga campus.  Business and civic leaders from Geauga County volunteered to spend the day working with the students on resumes, social media presence, interviewing and learning the importance of interpersonal skills.

The morning started with a panel of employers including Mark Mazur from Great Lakes Cheese, Mary Jane Trapp from Thrasher, Dinsmore & Dolan, Barbra Titus from Sheoga Hardwood Flooring, and Kimm Leininger from United Way.   Berkshire alum Christin Dornback talked to the class of 2017 about her summer internships through the Geauga Growth Partnership.

Special thanks to the Geauga Growth Partnership, Kent State Geauga, and the Geauga County civic and business leaders for their support and participation.


Geauga News
Author: Geauga News