From Sap to Syrup: Navigating the Challenges of Maple Production

Join us in person on Wednesday, November 13th from 4:00-5:30 pm at CDL Maple Ohio (4508 York St. Farmdale, Ohio 44417) for an immersive exploration of the journey from sap to syrup, delving into the challenges faced by producers today.

This Woodland Wednesdays program is designed for both aspiring and experienced maple syrup enthusiasts, offering insights into the trials and tribulations associated with establishing and maintaining a successful maple production operation.  Discover the common obstacles faced by maple producers, including climate variability, disease management, and market fluctuations. Hear firsthand accounts from local producers who are successfully navigating these issues.

The featured speakers are Tim Sutton, Maple Syrup Producer and Store Manager for CDL Maple Ohio and Sean Marino, Resource Conservationist with USDA-NRCS.

Please be sure to dress for the weather and bring a chair and reusable mug.  The program is free, but registration limited and required.  Visit to register or contact Sean at 330-637-2056 Ext. 8625 or

Woodland Wednesday Collaborators include NE Counties Farm Bureaus, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Geauga, Lake, Ashtabula, Portage, and Trumbull Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Division of Forestry, Division of Wildlife, and Holden Forests and Gardens.

Geauga News
Author: Geauga News