Join the Geauga County Genealogical Society for their next meeting “Mapping it Out” presented by Tom Edwards, Cleveland Public Library on Tuesday May 8th at 7:00 p.m. at the Chardon Library, 110 E. Park St. Chardon OH 44024.
For further information contact
Old maps showed more than how to get from place to place. Some maps help to identify land owners,show the type of structures in an area and much more. Tom Edwards from the Cleveland Public Library’s map collection will discuss these topics and more.
Unless otherwise noted, the Geauga County Genealogical Society meets the second Tuesday of each month, March – June & September – December, at Chardon Library (Bostwick Room) 110 E. Park Street, Chardon, OH
44024, on the east side of Chardon Square.
Business meetings start at 7:00 p.m. followed by a program. All are welcome and invited to attend. Email for up-to-date information.