Juniors fan out across northeast Ohio to put Catholic social teaching into action

During their annual retreat days this week, our 173 juniors fanned out throughout northeastern Ohio to live out Catholic social teaching by helping and connecting with individuals and families served by crisis shelters, group homes, schools, and a hunger center.

BIG MAC & SMALL FRY: Junior Mac Rottinghaus leads an enthusiastic learning group at Cleveland’s Saint Francis School during his junior retreat on Tuesday.

Teams of students spent their retreat days at Zelie’s HomeBlessing HouseSaint Malachi CenterSaint Augustine Hunger CenterL’Arche Cleveland, Saint Jerome School, Saint Francis School, and Saint Thomas Aquinas School.


MATH MATES: Juniors Landon Burdick and Joshua Grambo help their new friends with math work during Tuesday’s junior retreat visit to Cleveland’s Saint Francis School.


Director of Campus Ministry Miss Halle McKeon coordinated the faith-in-action retreat experiences with assistance from campus ministers Miss Lexie Danch ’15 and Mr. Tom Conkey. About a dozen teachers accompanied students on the site visits.


Geauga News
Author: Geauga News