Rescue Village Needs Your Help

Rescue Village in Russell Township has a variety of animals that are looking for their forever homes. Here are just a few! Click the link at the bottom to see ALL of the adoptable animals. (Please note, that some of these animals may get adopted after this is posted. Visit Rescue Village’s website for the most current listings. You can also find out about donations on their site.)

Rescue Village is in the midst of two large seizures: up to 100 cats and up to 50 dogs. Both were humane cases in the county. Check out their Facebook page to see what kind of donations they are accepting. Stop in to see these adorable animals and others that are looking for a forever home.

Rusty and Bella

Rusty and Bella

When it comes to Rusty and Bella, the saying “two is better than one” is most definitely the case. Throughout their eight years of life, these Australian cattle dog mixes have been through a lot of changes. The only constant they have had is having each other. They are looking for one person to take them both to live out their golden years together and give them the best years of their life.

Rusty and Bella started out in a good home with a loving human, a fenced-in back yard, and a doggie door so they could come in and out as they pleased. They never had a reason to learn how to walk on a leash. When their owner got sick and had to be put in the hospital, Rusty and Bella were left at home by themselves with seldom visitors who only stopped by to give them nourishment. Days turned to months, months turned to a year. Finally after a year of very little human interaction, the family decided it was time to surrender the pair.

Once at RV, it was quickly realized what a special pair these two are. After weeks of working slowly and patiently, they can now be walked on a leash and enjoy attention from humans. Rusty and Bella are looking for that special someone that has the patience to give them a routine that will keep them happy and healthy. They would thrive in a home with a doggie door and fenced in yard. Once settled in to their forever home, their true personalities will shine!

Rusty and Bella are both altered and up to date on all vaccinations. We recommend they go to a home without kids. We don’t know if they would get along with cats. Are you the one for Rusty and Bella? Please make an appointment to visit the pair if you are interested in giving them the best years of their life.




Think for a moment what it would be like to be held in a room where you are surrounded by something that you detest. To make it worse, you have no control of the situation, and you have no way to get away from it. You are held captive, a prisoner in an uncomfortable situation. After a while, your normal personality will begin to slip away..and you will find yourself acting in ways that are very unbecoming…ways that are nothing like the real you. This is what our girl Gypsy has been facing since she arrived in mid January. She does not like other cats at ALL; yet, she is surrounded by their sounds and smells. Currently, we do not have an alternate situation for her and because she is frustrated and aggravated, she is giving off the appearance that she is not a nice cat, ever! Yet, she is. She loves to play. She may have a small bit of a “diva” syndrome at times, but that is not unlike many other cats in the world! Gypsy LOVES to PLAY, play, AND PLAY some more. We just need ONE PERSON who will look past her negative shelter behavior and give her a chance to prove herself in a HOME!!! She is front de-clawed and ready to go!


Farrow and Redford

Farrow and Redford

Meet sweet Miss Farrow. She came to us as a transfer from our friends at Happy Trails Farm Sanctuary and is accompanied by her rooster mate Redford. They were originally seized from a bird fighting case in Cleveland before going to the Sanctuary. This couple needs to be adopted as a pair because they are so bonded, and should not go to a home where there is already another rooster.


Click here to see ALL of the adoptable animals at Rescue Village!

Rescue Village
15463 Chillicothe Rd
Russell Township

Visit Rescue Village on Facebook!

Geauga News
Author: Geauga News