Hound Hikes return with warmer weather
So what is your dog doing today?
How about joining you and Geauga Park District’s Eileen Smith for a Hound Hike?
This spring’s W-A-L-K-S are Tuesday, April 23, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Orchard Hills Park, 11340 Caves Road in Chester Township; Saturday, May 25, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Headwaters Park, 13365 Old State Road (Route 608) in Huntsburg Township; and Saturday, June 15, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Walter C. Best Wildlife Preserve, 11620 Ravenna Road (Route 44) in Munson Township.
Plenty of tails will be wagging as you and your canine companion hike and pause to take in Geauga’s finest parks; pooches will also enjoy cooling their paws in the streams.
No bones about it – a good time will be had by all.
Registration is required for these all-ages programs or 440-286-9516. Please bring your own dog towels, water bowl, poop scoop, and bags for clean-up. Only one non-aggressive dog per handler who must be able to fully control dog on leash at all times (8 ft. max).
Geauga Park District is online, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.