Cardinal Middle School Ugly Sweater Contest Becoming Annual Tradition!

What would the last day of school before winter break be at Cardinal Middle School without their annual Ugly Sweater contest?! On Thursday, December 21st, students and staff donned their Christmas attire and then voted on who had the ugliest creation. 7th grader Anessa F. took home the student prize, and teachers Miss Pintabona and Mr. Kruse finished first and second respectively for the teachers. In addition to the ugly sweater contest, students also participated in a lip sync contest hosted by the PTO, and a student vs. staff volleyball game!

Pictured In Cover Photo: From left to right, 7th grader Anessa F. was voted to have the ugliest Christmas sweater among CMS students who participated in the contest. Music teacher Miss Vanessa Pintabona and 8th grade teacher Mr. Luke Kruse finished first and second respectively in the staff portion of the CMS Ugly Christmas Sweater contest.

Geauga News
Author: Geauga News