Kenston School News

Rotary Senior

As the September Rotary Student of the Month, Victor Como is interested in public policy, law, and government. During the 2021/22 school year, he served on Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost’s Teen Ambassador Board. Over the summer, he served as the Ohio delegate to the Henry Clay Student Congress. He has also interned for Congressman Dave Joyce. Victor is a National Merit Commended Scholar. Kenston Academic Boosters have recognized him for three years with the President’s Award for Educational Excellence based on his academic accomplishments and community service. As a member of Mock Trial, he was named Outstanding Attorney in 2021 and Outstanding Witness in 2020. He is currently on track to earn his high school diploma and bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Kent State University in 2023.

As a student leader, Victor is the president of Young America’s Foundation and the Mock Trial team captain. He also serves as the treasurer for the Geauga Bi-Partisan Advancement Committee. He has also been a member of the Cross Country team, National Honor Society, Math Club, Political Action Committee of Kenston (PACK), and the Bowling team. As a valuable member of Kenston Center Stage, Victor has had four lead roles and two
upporting roles. His memorable performances include Tebya in Fiddler on the Roof; and the Father in Father Knows Best. Victor plans to study computer science and pursue a doctorate in Mathematics.

Homecoming Parade

The 2022 Homecoming Parade was Thursday, September 29, at 6pm. The members of the Homecoming Court are below. 

Kenston High School students named their 2022 Homecoming Court. They are (back row l-r) Guy DiFini, Charlie Kress, Sam Flinders, Elliot Bargiel, Sam Koltas, Dylan May, Benjamin Alexlrod, and Callen Buchanan; (front row l-r) Sarah Jones, Paige Masson, Peyton Fetzner, Malise Chalmers, Samantha Bergansky, Julianna Heiman, Saide Poudevigne, Ashlyn Myers and Sienna Peterson.

Kenston recognized for creating a caring community

As a component of our PEAK initiative, Kenston, as a District, and three (Timmons Elementary School – Gold, Kenston High School – Silver and Kenston Middle School – Bronze) of the Kenston Schools applied and have been formally recognized by the Ohio Department of Education for their efforts in creating caring school communities with an emphasis on positive behavior among students.

Under the law, HB 318, districts and schools are required to create a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports framework to promote positive relationships among students and staff and create a respectful culture for all students. PBIS is a framework that guides school teams in selecting, integrating, and implementing evidence-based practices for improving academic, social, and behavior outcomes for all students. PBIS activities can prevent bullying and improve classroom management practices. The PBIS process emphasizes four integrated elements: data for decision making, evidence-based interventions and practices that support varying student needs (multi-tiered), systems that efficiently and effectively support the implementation of these practices, and continual progress monitoring to ensure outcomes are met.

PBIS is not a curriculum or a one-day training. Instead, PBIS is a systems change process that requires ongoing commitment in order to create effective systems for teaching and addressing behavior and social-emotional skills. When schools demonstrate that their efforts extend beyond legal compliance, they are invited to apply for State PBIS recognition. The award process includes an application with supporting evidence and an on-site visit. PBIS recognition is divided into three tiers of support for students. Tier 1 represents universal social-emotional support for all students; Tier 2 represents improving some student’s; specific skill deficits; Tier 3 represents more intensive interventions, using formal assessments to determine a student’s needs and develop a specialized plan.

Stronger Together


Library Specialist, Mrs. Nicole Carroll, and third grader, Eli Hulme admire the artwork that Timmons Elementary School students created to celebrate the International Day of Peace. Students each created a self-portrait that was put together in a visual representation of the entire school working together because “We may be different, but our hearts beat the same.”

Five-Year Forecast

At the September 19, 2022 Board Meeting, the Kenston Board of Education approved the five-year forecast and related assumptions for the General Fund, which is both a short-term and long-term projection of the district’s finances. Treasurer, Paul J. Pestello, annually submits the forecast and assumptions to the Ohio Department of Education by November 30th and May 31st. A revised five-year forecast may be submitted anytime during the year if, and when, substantial changes occur that affect the projections. The five-year forecast is a “snapshot” in time and is only as accurate as the information that was available at the time it was prepared. Utilizing historical trends and realistic assumptions, the five-year forecast is prepared utilizing conservative estimates of revenue and liberal estimates of expenditures.


The primary purpose of the forecast:

● A planning tool for the district’s Board of Education and administration to use to identify and to prepare for future funding issues of the district in support of its mission and vision.
● A key tool in meeting the district’s priority to respect the investment of taxpayers by providing responsible management of resources as we continue our commitment to student success.
● To serve as a basis for determining the Treasurer’s ability to certify that funds are available when entering into contracts.
● To provide a method for the Ohio Department of Education and the Auditor of State to identify districts headed toward financial difficulties.

Highlights of September 2022 5-year Forecast:

● The financial forecast was prepared utilizing slightly less conservative estimates of revenue and slightly less liberal estimates of expenditures than
in past years in an effort to present a more realistic representation of the district’s long-range financial outlook.
● With labor contracts expiring in fiscal year 2024, this 5-year forecast does not include cost of living adjustments (COLA) for staff beyond fiscal year 2024.
● The five-year forecast projects an ending cash balance of:
– $8.1 million on June 30, 2023 (fiscal year 2023),
– $5.2 million on June 30, 2024, and
– $1.8 on June 30, 2025.
Note: The estimated ending cash balance is not an unencumbered or unobligated balance. Meaning, the district has contractual payroll and benefit obligations (among others) in July and August.
● Based on the 2022 Forecast, Assumptions, and Board Policy 6210, it is projected that the Board would need to consider asking voters for additional operating and/or permanent improvement funds within the next two years.

Please contact Paul J. Pestello, Treasurer, with any questions. Past forecasts and assumptions are posted on the district’s Finance page at


Geauga News
Author: Geauga News