SCOUT DAYS – Dress for the weather and explore Geauga parks to earn scouting credit

Attention scouts and parents of scouts: Geauga Park District is offering Scout Days at Big Creek Park and The West Woods this season, as well as a scout-geared snowshoe call list.

Registration is required for scouts only, but adult leaders must also attend, at or 440-286-9516, and all should dress for the weather.
Scout Day: Wolf Cub Scouts – Finding Your Way Adventure
Saturday, November 9, 10-11:30 AM, at Big Creek Park’s Meyer Center
Wolf Cub Scouts, learn how to use a map and compass, then use those skills to go on an off-trail hike.
Scout Day: Junior Girl Scouts – Outdoor Art Explorer Badge
Saturday, November 9, 1-3 PM, at Big Creek Park’s Meyer Center
Junior Girl Scouts, work on your Outdoor Art Explorer badge and explore Nature through art! Partially outdoors.
Scout Snowshoe Call List
Scouts, register now to receive notifications of naturalist-led snowshoe programs this December whenever snow/weather conditions are right, borrowing our snowshoes or bringing your own! Programs may be any time, day or evening, and at any of Park District parks.
Scout Day: Webelos Cub Scouts – Earth Rocks Adventure
Saturday, December 7, 9-11:30 AM, at The West Woods Nature Center
Webelos, work on your Earth Rocks Elective Adventure. Partially outdoors.
For more on Geauga Park District offerings, please call 440-286-9516 or visit Geauga Park District online via, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube.

Geauga News
Author: Geauga News