The Geauga County Historical Society’s Century Village Museum has announced plans to step back to 1941 for an event to honor the area’s World War II military veterans and those who supported the war effort at home.
The event, Remembering Our World War II Veterans, will commemorate the era with entertainment and attractions on the grounds of Century Village Museum this Memorial Day weekend, May 24 and 25.
The weekend’s activities will begin after sundown the evening of Friday, May 24, with a free outdoor feature film presented on the village green of Century Village Museum. The presentation will also include authentic newsreel footage like that shown during film screenings of the time.

standing are (from left to right) Gens. Ralph F. Stearley, Hoyt Vandenberg, Walter Bedell Smith, Otto P. Weyland, and Richard E. Nugent.
On Saturday, May 25, rare World War II armament, equipment, and memorabilia will be on exhibit throughout the grounds. Century Village Museum’s own collection of World War II uniforms and civilian fashion from the 1940s also will be on display.
Visitors will be invited to join others in the Memory Tent where they will be able to listen in as World War II veterans recount their experiences during formal talks and in casual conversations throughout the day.
Saturday evening, a tribute dinner to honor Geauga County’s World War II veterans will be followed by a “USO Dance,” featuring big-band music provided by local musicians. Tickets for these events will be sold separately or available for purchase as a package.
Bill Jackson, president of Century Village Museum’s board of directors, said the event will give visitors an opportunity to learn about World War II and the Geauga County home front from the people who experienced it.
“We wanted to plan an event that would give full attention to this important era in our nation’s history, while it is still in living memory,” Jackson said. “This is an opportunity to honor World War II veterans while helping to collect their stories and share them with the rest of the community.”
“We believe Remembering Our World War II Veterans will be a significant opportunity for Century Village Museum to introduce younger generations to the importance of this period in our history,” he said.
Century Village Museum is seeking the names of Geauga County’s living World War II veterans, so they can be included in the commemoration activities. Anyone with names of individuals who would like to be part of this event should contact the Museum office at 440-834-1492.